School Of Medicine
P A T H W A Y 2
There is a pathway that still allows you to apply to medical school . You may have a little more work to do than the average student and you likely have some more pre-medical coursework to do. Please click below to find out if you are eligible for our PRE-MED pathway
Click here for PRE-MED information
Seems like you have some of the foundation science pre-requisites although you may have to fulfil the additional modules before proceeding to the M.D pathway
You are still able to earn your M.D degree by completing part of our pre-med program. Our program will build your basic sciences and project you toward the M.D stream.
All Applicants to IUHS School of Medicine are required to have a solid foundation in the basic biomedical sciences. A minimum Grade of C in each of these courses is required. The specific basic biomedical science prerequisite courses are as follows:
8 credit hours of Physics with Lab
8 credit hours of Biology with Lab
8 credit hours of Organic Chemistry with Lab
8 credit hours of Chemistry with Lab
4 credit hours of Math/Calculus or Statistics
The Admissions Committee will look at all practical medical experience that applying medical professionals may have and can use their discretion to substitute that experience in lieu of a missing requirement.
The IUHS Difference
Our Pre-med program is the best path for you, this will allow you to address what you need to complete in your basic sciences and progress to your M.D