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C L I N I C A L   P R O G R A M 
School Of Medicine
C O U R S E    S T R U C T U R E

After the first 80 weeks of pre-clinical studies, students spend the second 80 weeks of their medical study program in clinical facilities, often called “rotations” or “clerkships”. In the clinical facilities, the students learn by ‘apprenticeship’ to specialists in the various clinical disciplines.


By working under close supervision with experts, students learn to treat patients and to acquire the skills of communications, interviewing, history taking, physical examination and medical procedures. This is accomplished in hospital and clinic based models. Rotations are broken down into two sequential components: 48 weeks of prescribed core rotations and 32 weeks of elective rotations.

I U H S    C L I N I C A L    P R O G R A M 

These core and elective clinical full-time rotations focus on the acquisition and maintenance of clinical and professional skills through various medical specialties in affiliated hospitals in many countries including the US, Mexico, UK, Australia and India.


Students work directly with physicians and clinical staff in various care service delivery environments conducting physical examinations, history taking, case presentations and laboratory analysis.

We appreciate that every country, jurisdiction and medical specialty has different requirements, therefore, we advise students to inquire and adjust their core and elective rotations to reflect those requirements.  A student should also be aware that some residencies require a minimum number of clinical weeks in specialty areas in order to apply for a position with their programs.

University core and elective requirements represent the minimum number of weeks which IUHS requires for students to qualify for graduation.

University Affiliated teaching Hospitals and Clinics


The Clinical Affairs Office arranges and places students in clinical rotations in affiliate hospitals in St. Kitts, United States, UK, Australia, India, Mexico and other appropriate jurisdictions.


For the students who have hospital privileges or a point of contact to a potential clinical site IUHS will pursue an affiliation when possible. IUHs has made over seven hundred such affiliations over the years to accommodate students needs while growing the teaching network of the school.

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